How to Plan, Organize, Prioritize and Delegate Successfully

How to Plan, Organize, Prioritize and Delegate Successfully

If you ask most managers what they would like more of, the response is often ‘time’.  To be able to improve planning, organizing and time management skills it is important first to identify any derailers, change your attitude and behavior, then start to utilize different approaches, tools and techniques.

During Natural Talent’s Coaching and Training Modules managers achieve the following:

  • identify the most common causes of poor Time Management
  • practise effective techniques to plan and organize more effectively
  • identify how not to procrastinate and how to prioritize their workload
  • understand how and what they can delegate
  • practise how to empower team members
  • identify techniques for managing emails
  • develop a SMART Action Plan for ongoing development

Managers also work through a set of highly effective exercises, including analyzing how they currently spend their time, utilizing time logs and/or ‘phone apps to identify what they do in a ‘typical’ day and week, as well as spotting time wasters and working on SMART Action Plans to start to address these.  

They learn how to spend the maximum amount of time on what is important, not urgent, using the updated Time Management Window to address tasks which are often critical for success and yet commonly neglected, such as: strategic thinking, deciding direction, project planning and scheduling, carrying out research, networking and building more effective working relationships, identifying a need for change, and reviewing and developing the strategy.

Managers also learn how to deal with interruptions, disruptions and any unproductive activity and to create lists of their own real-life priorities with SMART actions and KPIs.  They acknowledge the importance of regularly blocking off time in their diary to Plan, Prepare and Prioritize. 

Improving Delegation and Empowerment 

Most managers and many leaders, in particular business owners, often feel they can complete a task quicker than if they have to brief a team member to carry out the task. However, effective delegation can assist in freeing up time for managers to work more efficiently and strategically, as well as enabling managers to develop their staff, which leads to increased engagement and higher morale.

Managers carry out exercises to analyze their team according to performance, attitude, likely potential, competence, skill level, experience, interests, development needs and team working ability; then they follow a practical process to be able to delegate and empower their teams with the right level of trust and decision-making authority.

‘The Planning and Organising Programmes have made a real difference to how effective and efficient the team is.  As a result, all our recent campaigns have run much more smoothly than they normally would have done and we’ve saved a lot of time and money meaning that the investment in the training has paid off many times over.’  HR Director, Engineering

Jill Maidment is the Founder and Director of Natural Talent.  She is a highly respected, sought-after and effective International Executive Business Coach and Mentor, Career and Transition Coach, Resilience Coach and British Psychological Society qualified Assessor.  For 20 years Jill and our Associates have been providing high impact, solutions-focused Coaching and Training to leaders, managers and their teams in some of the world’s largest organizations, as well as working with professional firms and large public sector organizations and SMEs.  You can find her Audio Talk on this topic here:  

Please contact Jill for a confidential initial chat to find out more about our services or to book a Coaching or Training session.

Please read some of our Client Success Stories here and watch one of our videos here:  Please contact us to discuss your requirements or to book a Coaching or Training module via video call